BIB Point of Sale BIB Point of Sale Wholesale POS(Standalone)

Wholesale POS (Standalone) Wholesale POS (Standalone)

Wholesale POS (Standalone)

Wholesale POS (Standalone) Wholesale POS (Standalone)

  • 01

    Suitable for wholesale business.

  • 02

    Can use offline.

  • 03

    No need to pay annual fees and monthly fees.

  • 04

    With the user manual available, you can access and view any content you don't understand at any time.

Functions of Wholesale POS (Standalone)

  • Dashboard

    • Sales figures that including daily, monthly and annual disclosures are available on the dashboard.
    • Having graph that can review order report by month.
    • Showing the best selling dishes.
    • Ability to display products that have low quantity.
    • Ability to display products that will expire within (6) months.
    • Ability to display products to pay and get within (7) days.
  • Staff

    • The employee's name, address, and date of employment are recorded, along with the ability to remember holidays and other necessary information related to the employee.
    • The role and ID of the employee can be set.
  • Supplier

    • Can record the supplier's name, address and phone number.
  • Customer

    • Ability to record the information of customer name, address, phone-no and mail etc.
  • Category

    • Ability to categorize dishes.
    • Category can be divided into sub-categories.
  • Brand

    • Brand name identification.
  • Product

    • Being able to enter the information of the item that want to sell.
  • Stock

    • Can record the selling price of the product, purchase price and expiry date etc.
    • Ability to transfer stock.
  • Sales, Sales Return, Damage & Loss

    • Repairing sales invoices and search by date.
    • Viewing with excel.
    • Being able to remember the product to be returned.
    • Being able to remember damaged and lost lists with reason.
  • Sales Entry

    • In addition to search by product code, you can also enter sales information using the barcode and the search button.
    • Being able to save the sales invoice.
    • Opened invoices can be viewed in recent and saved invoices can be viewed in pending.
    • Ability to choose payment type.
    Sales Entry

Wholesale POS (Standalone) Report

Restaurant POS (Cloud) Report

  • Ability to check, download and print reports such as Sales Report, Sales By Product Report, Top Ten Sales Report, Stock Report, Sales Return Report, Damage & Loss Report, Profit & Loss Report, Supplier Report, Customer Report.

BIB Co., Ltd.

  • Website
  • Web Application and
  • Mobile Application are also
    customized for you.

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