HR Software

HR Software HR Software

HR Software from BIB Co., Ltd is a software that designed to achieve the best relationship between Employee & HR, to save time and minimize errors.

Advantages of HR Software

  • Ability to complete multiple tasks in a short period of time.
  • Ability to perform tasks more accurately.
  • Ability to set work responsibilities for employees and help to motivate them for performing work tasks.
  • Ability to save time because payment is automatically calculated based on fingerprint attendance.
  • Ability to reduce costs.
  • Ability to help to remember information easily such as posting leave, working overtime, working from home and requesting office travel expenses.
Human Resources

The Functions of HR Software

  • Detail Management Information

    Detail Management Information

    Ability to store information on leave types such as according to the department in the office, basic salary specifications by position, working days off & types of leave and make schedule meetings.

  • Employee Management

    Employee Management

    Ability to make employee profile details, basic salary, adding and modifying addresses, building members according to the department and making group chats.

  • Project Assign

    Project Assign

    Ability to assign tasks to employees and review task histories.

  • Changes


    Ability to notify HR for employees' changes such as department, address, personal information in a timely manner.

  • Fingerprint


    Ability to check easily office attendance records by connecting to the Fingerprint System.

  • Announcement


    Ability to publish organizational announcements easily & quickly.

HR Software Report

HR Software Report
  • Can check reports such as office attendance for each employee, taking leave, working from home, working overtime, requesting office travel expenses in one place.
  • Can manage information related to the ferry.
  • Can record office equipment lists.
  • Can record information related to currency exchange.

Services of HR Software

Product Services
  • Phone service during office hours.
  • Online Discuss before purchase.
  • Testing before purchase.
  • With the purchase of the software, we provide a User Guide and offer one-time free Online Training.
  • Give the best service after purchase.

BIB Co., Ltd.

  • Website
  • Web Application and
  • Mobile Application are also
    customized for you.

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The easiest, The cheapest , The most reliable BIB Softwares The easiest, The cheapest , The most reliable BIB Softwares
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