BIB Point of Sale BIB Point of Sale Restaurant POS(Cloud)

Restaurent POS (Cloud) Restaurent POS (Cloud)

Restaurant POS (Cloud)

Restaurant POS ( Cloud ) Restaurant POS ( Cloud )

  • 01

    Suitable for branches of restaurants.

  • 02

    Checking the report just have android mobile phone and internet.

  • 03

    With the user manual available, you can access and view any content you don't understand at any time.

Functions of Restaurant POS (Cloud)

  • Dashboard

    • Sales figures, including daily, monthly and annual disclosures are available on the dashboard.
    • Having graph that can review order report by month.
    • Showing the best selling dishes
  • Shop & Teminal

    • Ability to record the shop information.
    • Ability to set the terminal.
    Shop & Teminal
  • Restaurant Table

    • Ability to customize the restaurant table.
    Restaurant Table
  • Category

    • Ability to categorize dishes.
    • Category can be divided into sub-categories.
  • Menu & Attribute
  • Order

    • Ability to check and download the order invoices.
  • User

    • Ability to save and download the employee information.

Restaurant POS (Cloud) Report

Restaurant POS (Cloud) Report

  • Download order report & top ten order report and also you will be able to print out the downloaded excel file.
  • Being able to accept dish orders from waiters and cancel orders.
  • The kitchen can quickly identify the dish ordered by the waiter.
  • Being able to confirm the order from the kitchen.
  • Being able to save the invoice opened by the cashier.
  • Opened invoices can be viewed in recent and saved invoices can be viewed in pending.

BIB Co., Ltd.

  • Website
  • Web Application and
  • Mobile Application are also
    customized for you.

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The easiest, The cheapest , The most reliable BIB Softwares The easiest, The cheapest , The most reliable BIB Softwares
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